17 Nisan 2008 Perşembe
Working Group 01: Performing Arts & Education
Independent Network is hosting a series of working groups on issues related with practices of education, cultural management and publication/criticism in the field of performing arts (with all implications in dance, theatre and performance).
The first one of these working groups took place on 12-13th April 2008, at Tutun Deposu (Tobacco Warehouse) with a focus on "Performing Arts & Education". As part of the working group, numerous representatives from educational structures that relate to performing arts in Turkey have come together in closed sessions while Marijana Cvetkovic of Balkan Dance Network / Serbia made a public presentation about Nomad Dance Academy on 12 April Saturday, at 14.00...
Address: Luleci Hendek Cad. 12, Koltukcular Cikmazi 1, Tophane/Istanbul
Contact: Safak Uysal safak@laboratuar.org